Jeannine is one of the newest additions to The Hot Yoga Spot team and is also this week’s #TeacherFeature. She has been loving yoga forever, teaching it in New Paltz for years and has been part of our Capital Region community since early summer. Jeannine is our only instructor who currently teaches at least once a week at all 5 studio locations so literally everyone in the Capital Region has the opportunity to see how talented and passionate she is! In addition to her yoga trainings and experience, she is also a certified personal trainer and a recent BarreFlow graduate who is excited about everything related to fitness and movement. When not on her yoga mat, you can find her enjoying nature with her dog or creating amazing holiday candles. If you haven’t met Jeannine yet, head to any location of The Hot Yoga Spot for a class with her this week! #THEHOTYOGASPOT #thyscommunity#THYSteam #albany #cliftonpark #latham#eastgreenbush #saratoga #yogafam#yogateachers #barreflow