This week's #TeacherFeature comes to us from lovely Saratoga Springs. Jen W is a talented instructor who teaches at The Hot Yoga Spot 6 days a week. When she's not on her yoga mat, you can find her spending quality time with her dog, Stella, or traveling with her husband and living it up in her favorite city, Las Vegas. She's living proof that great things come in tiny packages and the only thing more fierce than her fabulous hair is her Bikram practice. Not only is she a great instructor but she is also a fun loving, hard working, and terrific person who is always there to help out someone in need. Jen W is such an important part of THYS community & we love having her on the team. #thehotyogaspot #thyscommunity#THYSteam #saratoga #saratogasprings#albany #stuyvesantplaza #cliftonpark#latham #eastgreenbush