Tips For Staying Healthy & Active During The Holidays
The holiday season is right around the corner. With jam-packed schedules, endless events, and stress, staying healthy is always a challenge. One of the biggest issues people face during the holiday season is maintaining healthy habits and an active lifestyle. Here are a few tips on incorporating healthy and active habits into your holiday for optimal health.

Limit Indulging to Just the Holidays
A big Thanksgiving dinner or indulging on New Year's Eve won't cause you to gain weight, but indulging in everyday holiday festivities with various food and drinks is not healthy. Just because your coworker brought in homemade cookies doesn't mean you need to eat them. Keep the splurge events to specific times, such as Christmas or New Year's, and stick with your regular meal plan the other days. You'll do damage control with your waistline, and those events will feel even more special.

Get the Whole Family Involved
Use this time as an opportunity to bond with your family and exercise in a group setting. One of the best ways to keep moving during the holidays is to involve the whole family.
Instead of heading to the couch to pass out in a food coma, gather everyone for a sweat sesh. Seasonal recreations such as ice skating and sledding are suitable for all ages and fantastic ways to get the heart pumping.

Prioritize Your Immune Health
The holidays are practically an invitation for colds and the flu with increased holiday stress, sugary foods, and fluctuating weather patterns. Nobody wants to be sick, and that goes doubly so during the holidays. Some strategies to strengthen your immune system include:
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables
Exercising regularly
Maintaining a healthy weight
Drinking only in moderation
Getting adequate sleep
Washing your hands frequently and cooking meats thoroughly.
Trying to reduce stress

Plan Ahead
If you're traveling for the holidays, planning ahead can make all the difference. Take some time to figure out what your options are while you're traveling. Plan simple workouts that don't require much space or equipment. If you're traveling or have visitors, you may be able to slip in a workout without missing out on any holiday festivities.
Closing Thoughts
Staying active during the holidays takes significantly more effort than other times of the year but is achievable, especially if you follow the tips above. These simple hacks will help you manage holiday stress and maintain a healthy life during the joy of the season.
Start mapping out your holiday fitness plan now so you'll be fully prepared to work through the hectic times ahead. If you need help achieving your holiday fitness goals, The Hot Yoga Spot has plenty of class options to keep you on track.