This week’s #TeacherFeature is all about Jess P. Jess is a Tier 2/500 hour Baptiste certified instructor who is currently working towards a second 500 hour certification through Styles Yoga as well as participating in the Baptiste FIT to Lead program. She is fiercely dedicated to community and constantly cultivates an environment where students and teachers can grow and improve together. If you don’t know what we mean, check out Church on Saturdays at 9:30am at THYS in Clifton Park. She is an open and honest person who puts herself out there and enjoys that the connections she fosters on her yoga mat lead to real friendships off the mat. When not at the studio practicing, teaching, leading awesome events (like a DJ HyFi class coming up this Friday night) or participating in teacher training, you can probably find her out jogging around Schenectady, spending time with her daughters or planning the next great thing for the Baptiste community here in the Capital Region. #thehotyogaspot#THYSteam #thyscommunity #whybaptisteyoga #baptiste #fittolead#capitalregion #albany #cliftonpark #saratoga #latham#eastgreenbush #stuyvesantplaza